
Hi! I am Laura Martinez a makeup artist, a beauty and skincare lover, and a soon to be mom of two under two. My daughter Emme is a rambunctious toddler who loves to eat, climb, and explore the world around her (which has been very limited due to the global pandemic). Our newest addition to our family will be joining us around March 8th and we are so excited for his arrival.

As I have shifted stages in my life from business owner to full time mom, I have dedicated a large portion of my day to researching products that will make my life easier, keep my toddler busy, all while trying to squeeze in some much needed “me” time. I decided at 32 weeks pregnant that I wanted to start blogging and share my findings with other moms, because after all, it takes a village to raise a baby. So come join my village and I hope you find some of my research and findings valuable.
